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Seven out of ten Irish not making a will

In a recent Irish Examiner article cited below the following findings were discovered from a survey carried out by Royal London According to The Irish Examiner and we quote ‘The survey found that 64% of respondents over 55 already have a will in place, compared with only 8% of young adults. One in five of

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Your Will could be useless or dangerous!

A badly drafted or out-of-date Will can do more damage than no Will at all!

A Will is a vitally important thing to write. But an incorrect, badly drafted or obsolete Will can be a huge headache.

A Will is an expression of your wishes regarding the management and distribution of your estate after you die. It’s also a legal declaration in which you appoint one or more adults to manage your estate and transfer your property after your death.

Die ‘intestate’ (without a Will) and your property, personal possessions and other assets will be distributed according to intestacy law, rather than your personal wishes. Many believe that when they die, their spouse or partner will receive all their wealth and goods. Actually, this is not the case. In fact, without a Will, your assets are distributed according to a strict legal pecking order.

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Inheritance Tax Planning

Inheritance Tax Planning How will your family manage this liability after your death ? Have you made provision for Inheritance Tax ? Inheritance Tax Planning identifies and manages any tax liability in advance and will deliver peace of mind for both you and your family. You can set up a life insurance policy equal to

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