When is the right time to look after yourself and your family?

Financial Planning

Most people benefit from seeing a financial adviser, but when are the best times in your life to see one?

One answer is to say that you should visit an adviser whenever there’s a major change in your life. Marriage – Having children – Buying your first property – Death of a partner – Approaching retirement, etc.
For example, if you’re about to have your first child, you might want to get advice on how to save for your child’s future. We could help you pick the best school fees saving plan and even help you find the money to pay for the extra costs associated with children.
Similarly, if you’re approaching retirement, we could help you figure out how much you’re likely to have when you stop working, and help to get the biggest possible income from that pot.
Asking for advice when you need a specific product is not a bad idea. But personally, I think the best approach is to go and have a full financial check-up with an adviser.
The starting point is to think about the goals you have for the rest of your life. Once we’ve worked that out, we can help you figure out how much achieving these goals would cost, and whether they’re even realistic for you. Then together we can review your current financial situation and draw up a financial plan including targets you need to achieve on the way.
When all that is complete will then agree a schedule to address any changes, monitor your progress and help you ensure you meet your goals.
Over the next couple of blogs
, I will go through the most popular queries and questions I deal with daily. There should be something in it for everyone. In the meantime, if you want the best available financial advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free no obligation review.

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