Cash Benefits
When You Need Medical Treatment Have you noticed these days how even the most routine dental, optical or medical treatments can end up costing you money? Whether it’s for prescription drugs, to see a specialist or you need to stay in hospital overnight – they can all incur personal expense and leave you out of pocket.
But not any longer…
The APRIL Ireland Medical Cash Plan provides you and your family with a wide range of cash benefits, so next time you need routine medical treatment, you know that many of your expenses will be covered.
FREE Cover for children aged between 1-3
If single cover is taken – your children receive HALF benefits
If joint cover is taken your children receive FULL benefits
Discounts on Annual Premiums
Whichever level of cover you choose, the Medical Cash Plan offers tremendous value for money for you and your family. But in addition, if you choose to pay annually you can save 5% on your premiums.
Simple Claims Process
To make a claim, simply call us for a Claim Form which you will need to complete and return. We will also require proof that you have made a purchase, or a letter from the hospital, doctor or specialist showing that a medical treatment/service has been used.
Quick and Easy to Apply
You are guaranteed cover under our moratorium clause. This means NO medical examinations or questionnaires and you can be covered without delay.
All pre-existing medical conditions you are aware of, or in our opinion should be aware of, or for which you received treatment, are automatically excluded – unless you have been symptom free and not received treatment or advice for it, for a two year period prior to a claim. This does not apply to optical or dental benefits.
Who can apply?
You can take out the Medical Cash Plan if you are aged 16 or over and are under 70 and resident in the Republic of Ireland. Those over 65 years old will be entitled to half the standard benefits.
What isn’t covered?
In common with other medical cash plans, our Medical Cash Plan does not cover you for the following:
Drug addiction or alcohol abuse
HIV, AIDS and related conditions
Wilful self-inflicted injury
Mental illness or stress
Chronic Conditions
Hazardous pursuits (on the Accident & Sickness Cash benefit only)
Please contact us for a quote or more information and a full list of exclusions and waiting periods.