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Benefits of having a Will

The following outlines what we believe are the emotional, financial and practical reasons having a Will in place is a good and sensible idea. No one likes to think about death, or linger on the possibility something bad might happen but emotionally the ongoing strain of burying your head in the sand can have long

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The Inheritance Tax Nightmare

When the ‘Civil Partnership & Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010’(Civil Partnership Act) was passed, it created the legal status of civil partnership for same-sex couples. This meant that the property and financial entitlements that previously only applied to married couples would now apply to registered civil partners. However the Act only applies

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Do I need to make a will?

Why do I need a will? I have been meaning to talk to my solicitor about a will for some time now but don’t really see the need. Sure, my wife will get everything if something happens to me, right? A Will is a vitally important thing to write. But an incorrect, badly drafted or

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