Do you need financial advice?
Financial products can be complicated and it can be difficult to compare options and make the right decision for you. If you are confused by what is on offer, it’s best to seek independent financial advice.
You might consider getting financial advice if you are making long-term financial decisions, such as:
• planning for retirement and looking at pension options;
• dealing with the financial effects of big changes in your life such as separation or divorce;
• buying someone out of a joint mortgage/selling your portion of a house to the person you bought it with;
• investing for the first time;
• getting a mortgage;
• protecting you and your family against loss of income if you become ill or die
A qualified and experienced financial advisor can:
• help you understand your own needs, plan ahead and become more financially secure;
• save you money and time by shopping around on your behalf;
• help you understand the risks involved in certain financial products; and
• recommend the most suitable products for your needs.