Mortgage Payment Protection

For most people, a mortgage is the biggest and most important outgoing they have every month. Despite this, relatively few make provision in case they are unable to meet their repayments.

Mortgage payment protection insurance (MPPI) is a valuable safety net. But for it to be effective, it must be appropriate for the customer’s needs and sold in an informed and responsible manner. Phoenix Financial Services can offer payment protection insurance for mortgage or income protection.

We will ensure the product meets the following 4 requirements.

The product will be tailored, so you can be confident the cover is right for your needs.

It offers variety and choice and can be revised as appropriate to your changing circumstances.

It is not linked to a specific lender’s mortgage, meaning cover can be transferred as necessary.

You will only pay for the cover you need – and can claim on.

There are 3 three main options

Mortgage Payment Protection Only

Mortgage Payment Protection and Income Protection

Income Protection Only

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